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As the first and only institution in Turkey that provides specific care for oral diseases of pets, our goal is to provide services that meet global standards for pet owners and veterinarians alike for stomatological (oral and dental health-related) problems that have not received the attention they deserve for many years.

About the Clinic


The oral and dental hygiene of our pets is just as important as it is for us humans. However, the fact that this is not taken seriously and even unknown in many countries may cause our little friends to experience painful problems. As vetdentistanbul, we help you in solving any problems your pets might experience regarding their oral, dental and jaw health.

vetdentistanbul provides services at global standards for stomatological (oral and dental health-related) problems that are commonly overlooked in the field of veterinary medicine, as the first and only institution in Turkey that provides care for oral diseases of pets.

Referral Form

How Does the Referral System Work

Although the referral system has only recently been accepted in veterinary medicine in Turkey, it has been widely applied abroad for years and is bearing fruit.

Its advantages, such as avoiding trial and error treatments for the patient, easing the burden and responsibility of the veterinarian in complicated cases, and protecting the pet owners from unnecessary financial expenses, have been clear since 2016. We recommend that you talk to our colleagues who have earned thanks and praise from pet owners for referring their patients and evaluate their experiences.

We often experience many other advantages, such as preventing incomplete or incorrect treatments, preventing and thus protecting our patient from additional anesthesia episodes that may occur.

Patients who come by referral are treated only for the referred procedure. In cases such as the occurrence of additional diagnoses or the detection of suspicious masses, the referring veterinarian is contacted and, if they wish, support is provided until our patients’ treatment is completed.

Before anesthesia, the referring clinic is asked to perform the examinations required by our center (blood tests, imaging such as radiography, CT / MRI or USG) before anesthesia. If the results do not indicate an obstacle to anesthesia, an agreement is made with the pet owner or the referring physician for the operation date.

Likewise, post-operative procedures such as medications, injections or hospitalization if necessary are performed by the referring clinics and veterinarian.

Therefore, laboratory equipment and inpatient units are not present in our center.

Our center does not provide or administer food, pet supplies, medicine, vaccines or antiparasitic products. Help us protect your patients’ overall health together by focusing solely on their oral health at our center.

Do not Try Your Hand, Refer the Patient

We thank you in advance for your referral and trust.

Our Services

The examination service to diagnose our patients before their surgeries, create a treatment plan and inform their owners is provided by appointment.

To make an appointment, you can call us at +90 216 410 5151 and watch our informative video below.

At this stage, our patient’s pain score is determined. The symmetry of the face, jaw joint and bones, inside of the mouth (to the extent our patient allows), dental structures, saliva and lymph nodes are examined. In addition, a general examination of our patient is performed before anesthesia, and it is determined which tests will be performed.

Since the majority of dental diseases occur below the gum level, 60% of the diseases can be diagnosed with examinations performed without anesthesia. For the remaining 40%, auxiliary diagnostic methods to be applied under anesthesia are needed. The most important of these are intraoral dental radiography and periodontal probing procedures.

For detailed information, please inquire our team.

How can I make an appointment at your clinic?

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The gum covers the tissues that connect the tooth to the jaw, like a blanket, and protects the tissues there from infection factors. Since, unfortunately, the majority of problems occur under this blanket, radiological examination of our patient’s mouth and surrounding tissues makes complete diagnosis possible and therefore prevents incorrect treatments.

The radiation used for radiological examination is minimal and thus, our patients are given minimum doses of radiation to obtain complete information about their oral health. This procedure must be done under anesthesia.

The radiographic diagnostic step routinely constitutes the first quarter of our surgeries. At the end of this process, if there is a change in the treatment plan, our team will discuss additional diagnosis and treatment plans with you over the phone and your patient’s treatment will be carried out based on your agreement.

Tooth extractions are performed using surgical methods in order to save time, ensure rapid recovery, and shorten the duration of anesthesia. Tissue losses that occur because of gum infections that are often diagnosed late necessitate multiple tooth extractions and the completion of the patient’s treatment in a single episode of anesthesia.

Procedures such as noninvasive fracture fixation techniques developed for the treatment of maxillofacial traumas, reconstruction of large tissue losses with plastic surgery methods, removal of tumors and similar masses with a wide margin to prevent recurrence, and closure of the tissue with plastic surgery are among the specific jaw surgery services that we provide.

Periodontal diseases are diagnosed in 80% of all our patients over the age of 3.

The only way we can protect our patients’ teeth and jawbones from this disease is early diagnosis. Tissue destruction caught early is treated by applying current regenerative techniques (such as guided healing with collagen membrane and bone powder), and thus, teeth that will be lost in the future can be saved. It should be kept in mind that the success of the treatment depends on teamwork, as the treatment motivation and compliance of pet owners and our patients, who require strict home care at the end of the surgery process, greatly affect the treatment process.

How Do I Brush My Cat/Dog’s Teeth?

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The science of endodontics, which focuses on the diseases of the living tissue called pulp that forms the internal structure of the tooth, requires deep anatomy, pathology, material knowledge and experience. This treatment, which is extremely susceptible to incorrect applications, must be provided by experienced veterinary dentists. In addition, it should be kept in mind that the intervention of human dentists in animals is illegal in our country.

This branch of dentistry, which focuses on the smooth interaction of teeth and jawbones, focuses on structural problems that can cause trauma, pain and infection rather than aesthetic problems when it comes to veterinary dentistry. The aim of veterinary orthodontics is absolutely not aesthetics, but for the patient to live a pain-free and infection-free life.

Especially due to the dog competitions that have become popular in recent years, breeders demand treatments that may constitute fraud and mislead the referees, causing hereditary problems to continue. Competition and therefore treatment requests for aesthetic purposes are seen as contrary to animal rights by our center, and no procedure is performed that the patient does not need. For orthodontic treatment, the patient’s teeth and jaw structure should be evaluated. Issues such as age, temperament, owner motivation should be evaluated and the treatment decision should be made together with the pet owner. Please contact our team for detailed information and questions.

Who Are We? Where Are We Located? What Do We Do and Don’t Do?

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It is the branch of science that aims to restore the tooth to its former structural strength and function.

When it comes to veterinary dentistry, restoration and prosthodontics are generally used following root canal treatments or to eliminate enamel/dentin disorders. Metal coatings are recommended for enamel replacement, especially for working dogs and dogs that use their teeth intensively, as their teeth will melt until they disappear in the long run as a result of losing their enamel tissues. Metal coating is used to prevent tooth wear. In veterinary dentistry, prosthodontic methods are definitely not focused on aesthetics, but are planned to increase mechanical strength.

Current techniques in human dentistry require compromising the strength of the tooth for the natural and aesthetic appearance of the tooth. For this reason, in veterinary dentistry, aiming for teeth that the patient can use easily and without problems for the rest of their life, rather than creating a tooth that will break, has been accepted as an immutable truth by global authorities such as animal rights and AVDC. Aesthetic-oriented requests are rejected by our center for these reasons. With the advancement of restorative materials and technology, scientific monitoring of both durable and aesthetic options is constantly carried out by our center.

We remind you once again that procedures performed for aesthetic purposes are against animal rights.

How Can I Refer My Patient to Your Clinic?

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Please contact our team to get information about our online services we provide, especially for our patients coming from out of town, to create pre-travel treatment plans and complete their examinations.

Click here to get information about the trainings


Appointment / Contact

* Our clinic is closed on weekends.
** I you wish to visit the clinic, please make an appointment beforehand.

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